Volunteer FAQ

Q: How do I apply to be a volunteer?

A: We will post a link when it’s time!

Q: What positions are available at camp?

A: *NEW* Intern (Ages 16-19)
Band Coach (11:45-4:30) (8 positions available)
Band Manager (11:45-4:30) (8 positions available)
Instrument Instructor (AM shifts) (Bass, Keys, Vocals, Drums, Guitar)
Gear + Roadie (All day or split shifts) (2-3 positions available)
Artist Relations (AM or PM) (4 positions available)
Morning Assembly Crew (AM 8:30-noon) (8 positions available)
Lunch Program (AM or PM) (open)
General help, loading gear in and out! (no limit!)
(10 positions available)

Q:  When is camp?
A:  Usually the second week of July

Q: Where is camp?
A: In 2019 it was at The Croatian Cultural Centre

Q: Do I have to be available for the Showcase?
A: If you are a band coach or manager, yes! If you are anything else, not officially, but if you plan something else on that night you are going to be so sad about missing it that you will cry. After being at camp for a week, we guarantee you will want to come.

Q: How will I learn everything I need to know about my volunteer role?
A: You will have an orientation session the weekend before camp starts, where you will meet other volunteers and organizers, and learn about your role. We also have a giant handbook! It really helps. And remember, camp is a wild and amazing learning experience, so nobody expects you to know everything heading in. Jump in, ask lots of questions, and you’ll be fine!

Q: I want to volunteer at camp but I’m not a musician.
A: Not a problem. There are many roles at camp for non-musicians, like band managers, food helpers, front desk, and more. One of our founders is a non-musician, and she is amazingly helpful! We can’t stress enough that we are not solely a music camp. We are artists, activists, dancers, lawyers, dental technicians and everything in between. Our goal is empowerment more than musical skill, and that is true for volunteers as well as our campers.

Q: I want to volunteer at camp but I am not a woman.
A: Also not a problem. Allies of all genders can help on our food crew, and behind the scenes in many ways. We do reserve our mentorship roles for women volunteers (we are a trans-inclusive organization), but fully welcome male-identified folks to our team in supporting roles.

Q: I have never worked with children or youth. Is that okay?
A: While experience with children and youth is an asset, all we ask is that you come with a positive attitude, and a willingness to engage and communicate with our campers in a supportive way. If you are new to camp, we will most likely pair you up with someone more experienced if you are a band coach or manager. And once you start working with campers, you’ll realize that it’s the funnest thing in the world, and you’ll never want to stop.

Q: Will I get breaks at camp? When can I eat?
A: Yes! We provide lunch for all of our volunteers, as well as a volunteer chillout room with coffee and snacks. We definitely encourage taking breaks. You will very rarely be the only adult working with campers, so you can always check in with the other volunteers working with your group, and ask to take break when you need it.

Q: Can I volunteer throughout the year?
A: Yes! Send us an email at info@girlsrockcampvancouver.ca for more information about our Organizing Committee. We now have ongoing year-round programming and are always looking for enthusiastic volunteers.